Skating Too Close

board meeting with providers at one end of the table and a display of hearing aids at the other end

Skating too Close May 28, 2024 Author: Kellye St. Claire, MHA In the realm of healthcare, particularly when it involves federal spending, the Stark Law and Anti-Kickback Statute are pivotal in ensuring that patient care decisions are based on medical need and not influenced by improper financial incentives. Let’s explore these regulations and consider their […]

Oticon Chooses Value Over Volume

By choosing value over volume and excluding their new Intent line from managed care formularies, Oticon is setting a new standard. This strategic choice has far-reaching implications. It proves that exclusivity not only enhances the patient experience but also solidifies the financial foundation of private practices.

Hear me out.

Data is Your Greatest Strategic Asset

Author: Kellye St. Claire, MHA February 24, 2024 Are you ready for a challenge?  How many questions below can you confidently answer about your hearing aid practice: What’s the average number of visits a patient makes during the manufacturer warranty period? How many first time users did you fit last year? What is your highest […]